For as long as I can remember, language has played an important role in my life. My relationship to language has been quite a journey. Both my parents are from the Dominican Republic and the language they speak is Spanish. Therefore, my native language is Spanish. I am most fluent in both Spanish and English. Knowing both languages has been difficult when it come to writing proper English and sometimes speaking with others. The way I communicate with the language whether I’m in school, work, or my peers it all depends in the environment and the people around me. There’s certain structure one uses to address others, when speaking with friends I constantly find myself speaking both languages in one sentence. In my world I consider that the way I speak it all depends on the comfort you have with the communicator.
I cannot recall the time I encounter with the language but at the age of 2 my parents and I moved to Puerto Rico and the language spoken there is Spanish. I went to school in P.R for a few years and finally learned English when I came back to the United States at the age of 7. I felt very comfortable with the Spanish language and very confident in myself until I had to go back to school but now in New York City. My parents said I would have to lean English, not knowing any better I refused. Why should I learn another language?, why is it necessary? But deep inside, I was terrified. Questions will constantly replay in my head. How will I communicate with the other students? I was afraid of what others may think of me, and I thought going to school with the rest of the students they will tease me and look at me weird. Attending school I came to realize it was not what I thought it would be, they offer a bilingual program where there were other students with the same situation. We were all there to learn English. From that moment on my journey speaking, writing, reading, and well understanding English began.
I can say that language defines me in many ways. At times I can be very shy because I find myself looking for the perfect way to respond to something/ someone. Even though I know English theses few years I have struggled expanding my vocabulary, and writing it proper. Because of these reasons I feel more comfortable with my native language. But it’s something that I try not to let it over power me and I see it as a Gift. What do I mean by a gift? I am very lucky to have the opportunity of knowing two languages. I appreciate the fact that I am able to explore both languages. Knowing two languages have been beneficial. I’ve had the chance to help others translate and explaining in different ways what the other person is communicating.
I liked this a lot, Ana!